Monday, February 20, 2012

Experience with ice

 I was born in the small village. We had three season are Summer  Rain  and Winter ,but Winter in Thailand  do not the same in Norway. We don't have Snow in Thai. I was very excited to see Snow here,it is first time for me to saw Snow. In 16-18 Dec 2011 I was  play ski in Bergen  I  was fall any time and i do not know how to stop!  But it was very fun.

 Jeg er på besøk hus svein Erik og Føydis på hytter i Åpta  dager 16-19 Feb 2012. Her er det snø og is på vanne.Jeg har gott på isen til og med kjørt på isen med ATV . Det var spesielt noe jeg trodde var umumulek.Nå har jeg er fart at det er mulik. Og det var en stor opplevese. Jeg har til og med badet i isvannet. Svein Erik og føydis er som forelder for meg.

I Walked on the water.

Drived ATV  on the ice. I really like it,  very very fun.
"Road racing" The ice  is 25 cm.

Built the swimming pool.

Ohh! Now , It's 1.5 degrees outside  we walk to the swimming pool. And  when I came to the pool is will became ice again. This is was good experience for me to bath in the ice .the water is very very cold. but when i walked out from water it is warm. and we were run to shower. Oh. I  was fiel very good.



  1. Somchai! I love that you are having a good time in Norway! It is really encouraging to see how you have learnt norwegian and how you are coping with the cold. I wish you all the best in the rest of your time, and I'm looking forward to see you at Hald. God bless you!

  2. Hei Asmund Thank you for comments. I very love to live in Norway.and I really like it. God bless you too.
